I use the Twitter API to post article titles followed by a link to the
article, and sometimes a repeat of the domain name if I think Twitter
is going to tinyurl me. Generaly Twitter converts URLs with characters
it doesn't like [^A-Za-z0-9.:/], or URLs in tweets that are too long,
to tinyurls.

However, this evening, none of the URLs I posted were converted to
tinyurls. Not even the ones with characters Twitter doesn't like, and
not the one that was too long.

Here are the status updates I expected to be tinyurled, followed by a
link to the individual tweet as it appeared on Twitter.

The first 3 contain bad characters (underscores or commas), but are
fewer than 140 chars:

GA approves more charter schools


Obama's tax pledge up in smoke 


Sweden recognizes marriage equality


This one has bad characters (dashes) and is longer than 140 chars:

Obama wants anti-gay advisor


That last one shows on http://twitter.com/GeorgiaLogCabin with a
truncated URL that causes it to link to a broken story. However, on
the individual Tweet link above, the URL is not truncated and works

So I have one main question with a few possible answers:

Q: What happened to Twitter's auto-tinyurl convert?

Possible answers?

A1: Tinyurl just happened to be down during the time I was posting
updates, so Twitter couldn't request tinyurls and used my long ones
(though other people's tweets before, during and after mine appear to
be tinyurled as normal.)

A2: Twitter just this evening stopped tinyurl-ing my tweets, but not
anybody else's (at least not anyone I happen to follow.)

A3: Some Twitter bug nobody's aware of (I searched the FAQs, this
message board, and via Google and didn't find anyone else with this
particular issue.)

A4: Some other reason?

Any ideas?

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