
I am still concerned that the introduction of oAuth is going to cause a lot of problems for applications that use twitter username and password as a login and account registration mechanism for their services.

I would like to start a list of the services that primariraly use twitter details as a form of login to their services.

Starting with:
Twe2 (although we do support oauth right now)

What I am keen to also get accross is that if we have to introduce a new username and password mechanism for our services I bet that 80% of users will still use the same password as their twitter account, negating the use of oauth.

If anyone wants I can provide you with a secret link for twe2's oauth implementation to show you what we are doing (no username and password - but re-requesting access to your data if you need to login).

I look forward to hearing back and seeing a list of all the services in the ecosystem that use twitter credentials as account authentication and validation so that it is clear the how prevelant the problem will be.


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