Here's your chance to convert me to another application.

I've been using Pytwerp to read twitter. "Thanks" to the latest API
change where "since" was removed, PPyTwerp is now merrily returning
the same set of tweets over and over and over again.

Busy developer says "It could be patched to save a status ID instead
of a date string. I don't have time to do this myself at the moment"

PyTwerp is written in Python (not my language) and I don't have the
glimmerins of a clue as to how to change it to use status id instead
of date string, or what that means in terms of the Twitter calls or...

Is there anyone on this list who can help? Where by "help" I mean
either "help me ffix PyTwerp or offer me a recommendation for a
replacement? I'll go either way.

My requirements:
   * command-line program (Python, Perl, I'll even take C)
   * must run on a Unix system, from cron, called (approx) every 10
minutes)  24/7
   * results pushed through a small script that does basic filtering
   * final results stored in text files

sample output:
__biz__: I've got my gmail inbox down to 15 super important starred
emails and now I want to watch TV but I am too tired --- also, my
Kindle arrived! -- [[Twitter:biz/statuses/1488882109][view]]
Here's what I''m doing:
Give me a working replacement and I'll update my blog entry.

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