Apologies if this question seems like it's obvious or has already been
answered but I read through several posts on this topic as well as the
API documentation and I'm still confused.

The documentation states: "The default rate limit for calls to the
REST API is 100 requests per hour. The REST API does account- and IP-
based rate limiting. Authenticated API calls are charged to the
authenticating user's limit while unauthenticated API calls are
deducted from the calling IP address' allotment."

QUESTION 1: Does this mean that if my user is signed up with multiple
Twitter applications, then the total number of requests that those
applications can make on behalf of my user is 100?  That is, the 100
rate limit is split across all the applications?

The documentation also states "we offer whitelisting which will raise
an accout or IP address' rate limit to 20000 requests per hour".

QUESTION 2: If I have a application server with several hundred
thousand users, and I have my IP address whitelisted, does this mean I
can make only 20000 requests per hour for all users that are
registered with my server?  If so, then I'm not sure how whitelisting
will help me here.  Am I better off with just relying on the account
rate limit of 100?


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