Hi Abraham,
I had the chance to visit web608. I like the design, there is
something like the Benetton brand (that entry on the right-hand side
for the feedback postings with pop-in action linked. that is
prophetic !).

Architecture. I try to understand the process and principle map of

- connection : the USER is glad to get connected using twitter or
- content flow in : do you get the content only through direct
posting, or do you get entries thanks to an entry flows.
- content organization and database structure : that main one, I did
not understand how we create a hierarchy.
- content flow out : I see you are using Addthis.com to publish the
content on third party websites.
- video content ? : getting problem with
- USER auto-recognition : that one might work using http://oauth.net/

Thank you Abraham for reply,

Robert Saint Clar

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