My guess is you probably just received an HTTP 502 (FailWhale) at some
point, this breaking your loop. What was the last HTTP response you received
(including headers)? If it's a 502 error, just handle it in your loop (i.e.
retrying after 10 seconds), and eventually reduce the count if that happens
too frequently.

Arnaud / @rno <>

On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 11:32 AM, Randomness <>wrote:

> I a trying to capture the last 3200 tweets from an authenticated user
> with the statuses/user_timeline method. I use count = 200 and have a
> function with calls the function 16 times with page being 1 to 16, so
> it looks like this:
> '&count=200&page='.$page.'&include_rts=true';
> The strange thing is that the first time for an account I only get a
> limited return of tweets like 800 or 1000. Then every subsequent try I
> get some more pages returned, until eventually I get all tweets sent
> by the user, or the maximum of 3200.
> Does anyone understand this or would this be a temporary glitch from
> the API ?
> --
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