Caution: I am a Delphi 7 Newbie... 8:)  Apologies in advance for my
elementary questions.

I have been successfully experimenting with the TnScript component in
multiple telnet instantiations along with the event capture feature.  Very
nice indeed.

I wish to modify the parent component TnEmulVT in a manner that Francois
indicates below in order to create a permanent record for each session.

(1) In the interest of simplicity, is it best to simply modify the original
source within the ICS distribution, recompile and then re-install to
Delphi?  Once I have made the modifications, I would always want to use the
session logging capability in all subsequent TnScript applications...being a
novice I'm not certain what is best and I did run into some issues while
experimenting with this.

(2) Assuming I will have several telnet sessions created normally (I'm using
Frames), where is the best location in the project for creating the
TFileStreams to be associated with each of the TnScriptx modules?  A unique
FileStream need to be associated with each copy of TnEmulVT that gets

Thank you.  Feel free to address me directly at [EMAIL PROTECTED] if
the response to my questions is outside of the scope of this mailing list.

>From Francois Piette:
"procedure TTelnetForm.TnEmulVT1DataAvailable(Sender: TObject;
    Buffer: Pointer; var Len: Integer);
    if Len > 0 then
        LogStream.Write(PChar(Buffer)^, Len);

This code assume that your log file has been opened as a TFileStream."
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