Keith Willis wrote:
> Well I tried "malloc" and "free" without any joy. I have however been
> able to ascertain that its crashing in the call to "Receive".
> More significantly its only crashing on my target machine, (an ASUS
> EEE Box B202 running Windows XP Home). I can't seem to crash it on my
> development PC, (A generic Pentium desktop running Windows 2000 Pro).
> Is there some difference between the Winsock library in Windows XP
> Home and Windows 2000 Pro?

The sample I posted previously to the list runs without problem on both
XP Home and Pro. Is there any security software installed, like a personal 
firewall, anti-virus software etc.? If so, first try to disable it, if that
doesn't help, remove it.  

Arno Garrels
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