Re: [twsocket] Setting additional Header fields depending on the mimetype in the HTTP Server

2011-12-12 Thread Lars Gehre
Well, I simply changed the source code and added a callback. It's normally not the way to go, but well, sometimes it's the easiest way. I'm talking about mostly automatically served files so calling senddocument is out of the question. Overriding said function would mean, I would have to

Re: [twsocket] Setting additional Header fields depending on the mimetype in the HTTP Server

2011-12-12 Thread RTT
On 13-12-2011 00:16, Lars Gehre wrote: Overriding said function would mean, I would have to duplicate the code and with each update of ICS I would have to check all my projects for this overriden function. Not very practical. It's easier to change the ICS code once every update... What code

[twsocket] Setting additional Header fields depending on the mimetype in the HTTP Server

2011-12-10 Thread Lars Gehre
Hello, I need to add for certain mime content types special headers to the HTTP header. As an example for static resources the Expires or Cache-Control headers. Unfortunatly I haven't found a way to do this without overriding (and duplicating) the SendDocument function. Did I miss something

Re: [twsocket] Setting additional Header fields depending on the mimetype in the HTTP Server

2011-12-10 Thread RTT
If you call the SendDocument yourself, you can use this overload version procedure SendDocument(SendType: THttpSendType; const CustomHeaders: string); overload; virtual; { V7.29 } If not, you can override it and pass your custom header in the CustomHeaders parameter, calling the inherited