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ASPLOS 2011 Travel Grants
Funded by: NSF, SIGARCH, SIGOPS, SIGPLAN, & Google.

ASPLOS will offer travel grants for students to attend the conference, in addition to reduced student registration fees. Travel grants will also be made available to junior faculty members, under-represented minorities, and faculty members from non-Ph.D. granting colleges. The size and number of these grants will vary depending on funding availability and the number of applications that we receive. Expenses will be reimbursed after the conference; grant recipients will be asked to
submit original receipts.

While we encourage all in need of a travel grant to apply, priority will be given to paper and poster presenters, co-authors, and under-represented minorities (including women and undergraduate
students interested in research).

To apply for a travel grant from ASPLOS, please complete the following steps:

* Complete the application form

* Applicants, compose an email to asplos2011travel at gmail dot com. For
your subject line, please use "Travel Grant Application for <Your-Last-Name, Your-First-Name>".

* In the body of your email, please briefly describe your reasons for
attending ASPLOS and your research interests.

* Attach a current resume and the completed application form.

Student applicants also need to ask their advisor to send an e-mail to asplos2011travel at gmail dot com with the subject line "Student Travel Status Confirmation for <Your Last Name, Your First Name>", stating that you are a full time student pursuing an MS/Ph.D. or undergraduate research in
the areas covered by ASPLOS.

Travel grant applications must be received by January 26th, 2011. For students, the confirmation email from their advisor needs to be received by that date also. Because of the large number of applications we expect to receive, we will not solicit these letters from your advisors - it is your responsibility to ensure that your advisor sends the email before the deadline.

We will acknowledge receipt of your application within a week of receipt. If you do not receive such an acknowledgement, please resend. If you still don't receive an acknowledge mail, please call the
Travel Chair, Philip Brisk, at +1 (951) 827-2030.

We will do our best to notify you about the status of your application by January 30th, which is 3 days before the conference early registration deadline. Note that award decisions will be made based on funding availability. Note also that some awards may be made only after the conference.

Please contact Philip Brisk for information.

Funding for ASPLOS travel grants has been generously provided by the
and the ACM SIGPLAN Professional Activities Committee (PAC).
Soner Onder, ASPLOS 2011 Publicity Chair.

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