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How to combine logics?

This will be the contest for Universal Logic 2010
Prize offered by Birkhäuser at the
World Congress on Universal Logic III
Lisbon, Portugal, April 22-25, 2010

When we have two logics, we may want to put them together.
For example on the one hand we have a temporal logic and on the other hand
we have a deontic logic, how then to put them together to produce a
temporal deontic logic in which we can deal with sentences such as
"Sometimes it is allowed to eat chocolate"?

This is a very interesting question in the engineering of logic. People
have been working in the subject since about 15 years. But there are still
some fundamental problems not completely solved. These problems are
connected to the very nature of what a logical system is. One may wonder
if the intuitive definition of combination of logics as the smallest
conservative extension of two given logics really works, and also if it is
always possible to combine two logics.

If you want to take part to this contest send a short paper (10 to 15
pages) to unilog2...@gmail.com before November 15th, 2009. The best ones
will be selected for presentation at a special session during the congress
and a jury will then decide who is the winner.

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