[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
    http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

The CS department of Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 has four tenure faculty openings. The recruited persons will join the Research Institute on the Foundations of Computer Science (IRIF) in Paris. The positions are:

- 1 Full Professor in the area of Foundations of Computer Science

- 1 Associate Professor in the area of algorithms and discrete structures

- 1 Associate Professor in the area of automata, structures, and verification

- 1 Associate Professor in the area of proof theory, programming languages, and systems

The deadline for application is 2019, March the 6th (4 P.M., Paris time) and the position will start in 2019, on September the 1st (a later integration is possible).

Knowledge of French is mandatory for these positions.
More information at https://www.irif.fr/postes/universite

Giuseppe Castagna
CNRS Senior Research Scientist
Deputy Director of IRIF - https://www.irif.fr/
Research Institute on the Foundations of Computer Science
[Institut de Recherche en Informatique Fondamentale]

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