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Post-doctoral position at Nancy University, INRIA-LORIA, France

on Implicit computational complexity (ICC)

Applications are now invited for a postdoctoral position on ICC. Candidates are 
expected to  contribute to research within the ANR project COMPLICE. The ideal 
candidate will have interest on type systems, logics, and complexity. The 
position is for one year. The start date is negotiable.

To be considered for this position, please send a CV, list of publications, a 
brief statement of interest, and the names of two references to Jean-Yves 
Marion (jean-yves.mar...@loria.fr). Further inquiries--for example, questions 
about specific project topics--are also welcome.

COMPLICE is a four-year project whose partner sites are ENS Lyon, Université 
Paris 13 and LORIA-Nancy.  The project's goal is to investigate the foundations 
and applications of implicit computational complexity (ICC), along the lines of 
semantics and logic, functional programming, program extraction from proofs, 
quantitative properties and ICC for concurrent systems.


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