[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
    http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

Dear all,

We are pleased to announce the availability of a postdoctoral position
on effects and/or type theory in the Inria team Gallinette, in Nantes.

Gallinette is a new Inria team dedicated to the advancement of proof
assistants with an emphasis on mathematical foundations. It is led by
Nicolas Tabareau and hosted by the new Laboratory of Digital Sciences
of Nantes (LS2N). Nantes is a lively and affordable city in Brittany,
not far from the shores of the Atlantic.

We are interested in foundations and applications of proof assistants
and certified programming, especially type theory, the theory of
effects, and their interaction. Relevant topics and experience
include, but is not limited to:

* Homotopy type theory
* Developments in Coq, Agda, Lean, F* or Idris
* Development of (part of) a proof assistant or a programming language
* Semantics of effects and resources
* Rewriting
* Proof theory
* Logical relations and realizability

We are opening a postdoctoral position for 1 year (deadline for
applications: September 15th, job starting between October and March
2018). The successful applicant will join the Inria team Gallinette
and the ERC project CoqHoTT <http://coqhott.gforge.inria.fr/>. The
salary and benefits are the standard Inria conditions.

We are looking for excellent researchers with a strong expertise in
one or several relevant topics. Candidates should hold a PhD in
computer science or a closely related field (or be close to complete
their PhD). The new collaborator is expected to participate in the
life of the lab and interact with members of the team including PhD
students and other postdocs.

If you are interested in joining the Gallinette team and have informal
inquiries, please contact either of us at <nicolas.tabar...@inria.fr>
or <guillaume.munch-maccagn...@inria.fr> as soon as possible.
Applications should be sent to either of us by September 15th and must
contain a CV, a research statement, and a list of references.

Guillaume Munch-Maccagnoni
Nicolas Tabareau

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