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Sixteenth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
Newport Beach, California, March 5-11, 2011

Call for participation.

            Conference web site:  http://asplos11.cs.ucr.edu
            Technical Program :   http://asplos11.cs.ucr.edu/program.html

Early registration deadline is February 2 for both conference registration and the hotel reservations.

Registration web site: http://asplos11.cs.ucr.edu/registration.html
            Hotel reservations    :   http://asplos11.cs.ucr.edu/hotel.html

ASPLOS is sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN, ACM SIGARCH and ACM SIGOPS and has also been generously supported by National Science Foundation, VMWare, Google, Intel, HP, Qualcomm Research Center, Oracle, AMD, Microsoft Research,
and IBM.
Posted by Soner Onder, ASPLOS 2011 Publicity chair

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