I have been using the TitleTips extension for some time now. I have found 
that if the keyword is the firs in a sentence, the titletip is not 
automatically added. It seems that if the keyword is next to fx a <p> tag it 
is not recognized as the keyword.

"<p>Keyword etc. etc.....</p>"

The same goes with key-sentences, where the ever irritating &nbsp; tag finds 
it way in between the words.

"This is my&nbsp;keyword sentence etc. etc. "

How can I get around this?

Best regards,

"Lasse Guldsborg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev i en meddelelse 
> Hi Peter, my buddy, my friend, I owe you one =)
> Your titletips extension is perfect for my purpose!
> Intuitive, easy to use and IE7-problem-free. I'm just sad that I didn't 
> see your extension from the start..
> Thanks a million,
> Lasse
> "Peter Klein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev i en meddelelse 
>> Hi Lasse. IE7 SUCKS! ;)
>> There's a lot of problems with IE7, just try googling for "ie7 problems"
>> It could also be the "overLib" which haven't been developed since 2005, 
>> so chances are that it isn't compatible with newer browsers.
>> I made a TitleTips extension a while ago, which doesn't require you to 
>> insert javascript links on the words you want a tip on.
>> Jus wrap it in some tag (span, div a etc), and set the TITLE attributes..
>> http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/titletips/1.0.0/
>> You can see it in action here:
>> http://peterklein.rho.t3c.dk/index.php?id=97
>> -- 
>> Peter Klein/Umloud Untd
>> "Lasse Guldsborg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev i en meddelelse 
>>> Hi Peter
>>> OK! I'll take a closer look at the glossary extensions.
>>> Something else however:
>>> This morning I upgraded my browser from IE6 to IE7, and it seems IE7 has 
>>> an unfortunate influence on how (or rather where) the tooltips a 
>>> displayed. When you scroll down on the website the tooltips start to get 
>>> displaced, and soon they will be displayed so far away from the mouse 
>>> (and the keyword) that you can't even see the tooltip anymore. (I tested 
>>> the same website on several other PC's still running IE6, and there is 
>>> no problem).
>>> Is this something that should be reported as a bug?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Lasse
>>> "Peter Klein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev i en meddelelse 
>>>> Hi Lasse.
>>>> I don't think you can do much more using the "short" property. If you 
>>>> need more control, you'll have to write a userFunc.
>>>> But have you checked these 2 extensions?
>>>> http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/mr_glossary/0.1.4/
>>>> http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/mr_parseglossary/0.4.0/
>>>> I think the do something similar (I haven't tried them myself), but 
>>>> takes the tooltip from DB.
>>>> --
>>>> Peter Klein / Umloud Untd
>>>> "Lasse Guldsborg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>>>>> Hi Peter!
>>>>> Thank you so much! That's a great idea, and it works perfectly :o)
>>>>> One question though. If I use this code:
>>>>> lib.parseFunc_RTE.short {
>>>>>  sword = <a href="javascript:void(0);" style="text-decoration:none;" 
>>>>> onmouseover="return overlib.ov('A sword i a melee combat object', 
>>>>> CAPTION, 'Sword');" onmouseout="return overlib.nd();">sword</a>
>>>>> }
>>>>> Then every time the word "sword" is in my text, it has a tooltip. And 
>>>>> that is great!
>>>>> But if I write the word "swordfish" then the first part of the word is 
>>>>> added with the "sword" tooltip as well, which is not so fortunate ;o)
>>>>> Is there any way to avoid this?
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Lasse
>>>>> "Peter Klein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev i en meddelelse 
>>>>> news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>>>> Hi Lasse.
>>>>>> You could use the 'short' property of "parseFunc" to create custom 
>>>>>> wraps for various keywords.
>>>>>> Or write a small userFunc if you want the tooltips to come from a DB 
>>>>>> table..
>>>>>> See: 
>>>>>> http://typo3.org/documentation/document-library/references/doc_core_tsref/4.0.0/view/5/14/
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> Peter Klein/Umloud Untd
>>>>>> "Lasse Guldsborg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev i en meddelelse 
>>>>>> news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>>>>> Hi all
>>>>>>> I'm using the Tooltip Tag extension (cc_typotag_tooltip), and loving 
>>>>>>> it :o)
>>>>>>> But its an extensive work to set up all the individual tooltips..
>>>>>>> Does anyone know of a way to implement the tooltips automatically? 
>>>>>>> Meaning that every time a give word is shown in the page content, 
>>>>>>> the matching tooltip is set around it?
>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>> Lasse

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