Hi all


Seems like a long time since I have been around . well, I guess it is 7
weeks or so (time sure does go quickly).


Anyway, back from holidays and back into it all again.


Jan Bednarik has kindly been doing some coding for me over the past several
months, and has come up with some code to retrieve the wiki page name as
part of a breadcrumbs navigation.


He is now otherwise engaged, and so I thought I might call on the list to
help me debug the code a bit.


Jan had already written an extension for me, and so into that he inserted:


foreach ($rec as $k=>$v) {

       $GLOBALS['DRWIKI'][$k] = $v;



And then suggested the following typoscript for the rendering..


lib.breadcrumbs = COA

lib.breadcrumbs {

   10 = HMENU

   10 {

     special = rootline

     special.range = 1|-1

     1 = TMENU

     1.wrap = <span class ="breadcrumbs"> | </span>

     1.NO {

       linkWrap = | &nbsp;>&nbsp;



   20 = TEXT

   20.data = global : DRWIKI | keyword



This does the first part of my requirement, that is, renders the navigation
code up to the level before the current page as links.


It doesn't yet render the current wikipage title (I am not after a link,
simply text)


I have checked out the manuals, and I can't see the error yet - can anyone
else see it?


(for anyone who wonders, the wikipage is rendered first on the page using
css, so the keyword should already have been loaded.)


Cate Deans Smith


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