We have the same problem with irfaq from time to time.
My workaround is to take away the static template from the main 
template, saving and reassigning the static template. Then the dynamic 
view of the faqs appears again. Might there be a XCLASS conflict? I´m a 
complete beginner on that field (irfaq 1.1.2 typo3 4.2.3 templa Voila 
1.3.7), so I would appreciate some hints.


> So I thought maybe this problem was a one time problem but it is showing 
> up again. For some reason, the FAQ refuses to display on a page after it 
> is cached. But it is related to the FE cache. Clearing the page cache 
> does not fix the problem... the entire FE cache needs to be cleared for 
> the FAQ to show up again.
> Using irfaq 1.0.1 and Typo3 4.1.5. In irfaq, I'm using the dynamic view 
> with DHTML.
> Setting the page to no-cache does not fix the problem either. I have 
> found I can get the FAQ to show again if I clear the FE cache or 
> (obviously) delete the cache entry for the page the FAQ is on from the 
> database.
> Dmitry Dulepov [typo3] wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Nathan Neville wrote:
>>> Does anyone else use irfaq and maybe notices this problem? It seems 
>>> there is a problem with the irfaq being cached. I have the plugin set 
>>> up and working since last year, but recently, when I check the site 
>>> in the morning, the FAQs are not showing. Clearing the page cache 
>>> does nothing, I have to clear the FE cache. Clearing the FE cache 
>>> allows the FAQ to show up again, but a few hours later, it is gone!
>>> Has anyone else had any problems similar to this with this extension? 
>>> I was wondering if maybe my upgrading from Typo 3 4.1.3 to 4.1.5 
>>> caused the problem?
>> Did not saw it... I will release newer version of this extension this 
>> week. If you still have problems with it, please, post them again and 
>> I will take a deeper look.
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