
I started to use 6.2.0 a couple of weeks ago and I had some problems in the beginning. Some of them were related to 
depreciation messages (usually easy to solve), others to a "better" utf8 collation - 
"utf8_unicode_ci" instead of "utf8_general_ci" and there are even some which seem to "just not 
work at all", like indexed_search.

Hopefully others will start using 6.2 too. To ease this step it might be 
helpful to start a kind of whitelist. Not here, where it will scroll away, but 
in a central place (Wiki). Surely this list would bear some risk, since 
sometimes errors are related to multiple factors. But it could be a great 
starting point for brave people.

We all know that there a two species of extensions. The ones which are really essential 
for nearly any TYPO3 setup (like realUrl, static_info_tables, news, CE-builders and some 
major sys_extensions) and the huge majority of "color my headlines blue instead of 
red" extensions. I'm just talking about the first set.

I'm not talking about a new and complex code-quality tool, just a list, 
possibly with some commenting option.



p.s. Maybe it already exists and I just can't find it?
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