Hi There, 

i have to move an Typo 4.7. installation to a new Computer with php 5.4.16.

When installing all extensions, i get white screen.

I identified static_info_tables to be the reason... 

There is a 2.3.2 in the repository as last version vor Typo 4.7.

On 6.0.4 there is written a comment "Fix for php 5.4.".  So i guess there is 
something to do get it up an running with php 5.4.

Who can provide me what has to be fixed or has a patched version of the 2.3.2 
for 5.4.

Because is connected with dam extension we have to fix it before getting oure 
site back to live,

Any hint would be veryy nice...

Thanks a lot in advance
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