I have a system that has a CPU running u-boot and have a Xilinx Zynq connected via USB using DFU to download the FPGA image. I can successfully download the FPGA image via dfu-util from the linux OS. I would like to be able to load that same image from u-boot prior to loading the OS.

From what I can tell, the DFU capability in u-boot is a host stack that sits on the USB subsystem and acts a host for a memory style device that may or may not have a filesystem. This is not quite what I need.

What I want to do is take a file from a device that has a filesystem (mmc for example) and provide a DFU transfer to the DFU capable host on the FPGA. Think of it as porting dfu-util to u-boot.

Is there a way of doing this in the current u-boot state or will I need to write a new command to do this? Has someone already done this? Doing serveral web searches, I am not sure that it has this capability or if it does, how to configure it correctly.

Thanks in advance for the help.

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