Here is a link to the log file from the transaction that was run.  I tried 
posting in the email list but moderator said 40KB was too large.<>


From: Glenn Batson
Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2010 3:24 PM
Subject: Help with Soap and passing certificates in UniBasic

I'm hoping someone can help me out with some Soap and Certificate logic from 
UniBasic.  We have the below code in an application (UniData 7.1.0 on Windows 
2003) that has been working great for some time.  The problem is the service we 
are talking to implemented some new code to require certificates or not.  As 
you'll see in the code we were actually performing the addCertificate function. 
 The service and secure soap implementation in UniBasic were not fully 
understood at the time this code was written.  So it was probably not needed 
before but it worked so mostly no harm no foul.  The problem now is with the 
new service the certificate can either be required or not required.  If using a 
certificate it has to be one issued by the company providing the service.  We 
have actually tried both approaches (with cert and without - commented out 
lines 98,99) and each time, the call to SOAPSumitRequest just hangs.  It may 
eventually time out but I've never waited that long enough for it to abort.  
The logic before returned in a few seconds.  The company providing the service 
actually see something weird in their logs.  It looks like we make some initial 
calls to them (other calls being made prior to this logic) and then they see 
nothing.  If I terminate my UniData telnet session then they see the actual 
request come through.  Hope this makes sense.  I should also mention that the 
code that was working for a long time was slightly different below.  Instead of 
RETURN = addCertificate(CERT.PATH, 1, 1, 1, ctx) we were using RETURN = 
addCertificate(CERT.PATH, 2, 2, 1, ctx) because the old certificate was in DER 
format and it was a guess on it should be issuer certificate.  With the new 
certificate from the company they used PEM format and they thought we should 
use the client/server setting.  In other words the function call was different 
because the certificate referenced was different.

So my questions are:

1) Do I have to install the certificate in the windows OS stores for 
certificates?  I don't think I do because we didn't do that with the old 
certificate but I ask because the old certificate was actually one of the base 
certificates in Windows.
2) Is there anything wrong with the code below besides the basic style of 
writing?  If you need to see more of the code let me know.  Is the use of 
client/server certificate UsedAs value correct.  The approach is the company 
running the service wants to validate we are passing them their certificate 
they issued us.  Note that I generated the CSR from the server using the 
UniAdmin tool.  This was sent to the service company and they generated us a 
.cer file.  I then put this file in the location referenced via the certPath.
3)  Has anyone experienced the same sort of logic where you kill the session 
and then the data goes through.

I'm working with the service company to get the logs they are seeing on their 
end.  If I can I'll pass those along.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

087: SoapAction = 
088: Timeout = 30000
089: * Create Security Context
090: SecContext = createSecurityContext(ctx, 'SSLv3')
091: IF SecContext=0 THEN
092:   * Security Context OK
094:   CALL SB.PROCESS('ERROR.MSG,3701,Security Context Failure')
095:   RETURN
096: END
097: * Set Cert Path
099: RETURN = addCertificate(CERT.PATH, 1, 1, 1, ctx)
100: * Add Authentication Rule
101: RETURN = addAuthenticationRule(ctx, 2, "VerificationStrength", "generous")
102: RETURN = addAuthenticationRule(ctx, 2, "PeerName", "")
103: * Create the Request
104: Ret = setHTTPDefault("VERSION", "1.1")
105: IF Ret = 0 THEN
106:        * Set HTTP Default OK
108:   CALL SB.PROCESS('ERROR.MSG,3701,Set HTTP Default Failure')
109:   RETURN
110: END
111: Ret = SOAPCreateSecureRequest(URL, SoapAction, SoapReq, ctx)
112: *Ret = SOAPCreateRequest(URL, SoapAction, SoapReq)
113: IF Ret=0 THEN
114:        * Create Secure Request OK
116:   CALL SB.PROCESS('ERROR.MSG,3701,Create Secure Request Failed')
117:   RETURN
118: END
119: * Submit the Request
120: SetRequest.Status = SOAPSetRequestContent(SoapReq, GETALLPAYERPAYMENTMETHOD
121: IF SetRequest.Status=0 THEN
122:        * Request Content Status OK
124:   CALL SB.PROCESS('ERROR.MSG,3701,Request Content Status Failed')
*--: P
125:   RETURN
126: END
127: Ret = SOAPSubmitRequest(SoapReq, Timeout, RespHeaders, RespData, SoapStatus
128: IF Ret <> 0 THEN
129:        * Error in SoapSubmitRequest
130:   STATUS=getSocketErrorMessage(Ret, errMsg)
131:   CALL SB.PROCESS('ERROR.MSG,3701,':errMsg)
132:   RETURN
133: END
134: *
135: *
136: * Parse Response Data (RespData)
137: *
138: RESPXML = RespData

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