For anyone who hasn't seen the announcements -
Dear U2UG members and all U2 Users, As many have noticed, U2UG has been very quiet lately. U2UG began in the Fall of 2003 via an exchange of ideas on the U2-USERS listserv. The concept for a user group was to facilitate a way to unite users of the U2 products and to provide an umbrella for 'all things U2'. The idea included a common way to exchange ideas, discuss technical information, provide marketing stories, share resources, and promote the technology - all from a grass roots effort. U2UG has benefitted from wonderful contributions by past and present board members and from the significant contributions of the U2 community. At this juncture, 10 years later, the current board felt that it was time to evaluate where we are, assess what we've learned, focus on where we want to be, and how to best serve the Rocket Software user community. As such, we have some exciting news! With the support of Rocket Software, we've formed The International Rocket Software Users Group or RSUG. This new group will provide a framework for numerous special interest groups based on specific products in Rocket's family of products. One of these SIGS will be U2UG. In this way, U2UG can reach out to the other technology groups, help understand those products and how we may be able to use them within our environment, and to spread the word about U2 technology outward to these other product groups. Examples of these special interest groups include CorVu, Legasuite, and Aldon. We expect to have members on the RSUG board from U2UG as well as from the other SIGS. We'd love to have you involved. If you're interested, please contact And please look for more announcements in the near future. Thank you for your continued support, and for your support of all things U2. Sincerely, The Establishing Board of RSUG _______________________________________________ U2-Users mailing list