I said  $$PID.   2 dollars, 1 pee.
I meant $PPID.   1 dollar, 2 pees. (Still pricey for a public biffy.)

$PPID is the variable containing the Parent Process's process ID.
So  SH -c 'ps -lp $PPID'
gives ps info on the UV parent process issuing the command.

Sorry about that.

-----Original Message-----
     O1 PA
     02 LOOP
     03    EXECUTE "RUN CDS.BP M
     04    SH -c"ps -lp $PPID"       <--- corrected from $$PID
     05 REPEAT
  where M is limited to 100,000:   
     CDS.BP M
     01 FOR I = 1 TO 100000
     02    EXECUTE "* comment" CAPTURING X
     03 REPEAT

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