Please feel free to take a look at our webpage for NebulaPay and contact me
for more information.  NebulaPay has not yet been ported to U2 but we'd
greatly appreciate an opportunity to do the port.


Tony Gravagno
Nebula R&D

karlp wrote:
> Oh wise ones... We have a competitor at one client that
> processes credit cards for them with line-item detail of
> their purchases. 
> I'm not familiar enough with credit card processing to
> know if doing so via U2 is possible. Currently we have a
> card swiper in a central location and all cards are
> processed there. I'd like a solution that would allow our
> sales team to just type the number in and have things
> automagically happen, with a verification printed on the
> forms we currently generate in our 'legacy' U2
> application. We aren't using anything other than the
> text-based green screen application, albeit via nice
> XP-based PCs (Okay, I'd rather they ran on Linux as I
> do).   
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