All this reminiscing :->

In college, I learned Control Data Corp's Cyber Assembly - final exam was
to translate a bit of code to octal.  I must admit that I probably learned
more fundamentals of computational theory in that class than any other.

I also for several years had to program in assembler for the Fairchild 9445
chip, used in Data General's computers.  My favorite part of that language
was how branching worked:  you checked the status of any of several flags
(e.g., overflow) and skipped the next instruction, which was typically a

There was the convention in the language to allow you to do a mathematical
operation, update the flags, but not change the data registers.  A typical
comparison effectively read "Subtract Register 1 from Register 0, but don't
really do it, and if the result would have been negative, skip the next
instruction."  Strange little language, but very tight code.

--Tom Pellitieri
  Toledo, Ohio
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