> > The way I really hoped would be implemented was to have the index 
> > files exist within the file subdirectory, i.e. all files with
> > would be similar in structure to Type30, but have a .index 
> > subdirectory within them.  So, from then on, the indexes would be
> > "tied" to the main data file.   
> But then you wouldn't have the opportunity to put your data files and
> their indexes on different spindles / channels / file systems to
> maximise throughput by spreading I/O.

In unix, use "soft links".  See man pages on "ln -s".  It lets you make
an entry in the appropriate unix dir that UV will look for, but the file
actually lives somewhere else.  Kinda like a Pick Q-pointer,  or an F
pointer with <2> a fully qualified pathname to another directory.

You can do that today to spread out INDEX.000, INDEX.001 INDEX.002, etc.
across many spindles.

Likewise, with Unidata, I'm sure you can use ln -s to relocate the X_...
files elsewhere for better throughput.

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