John Jenkins wrote:

Can we have a straw poll on AV software? Just post a subject of ANTIVIRUS - (name) - (version) *GOOD* or *BAD* as necessary - let's hear it.

We're using CA's eTrust AV. It's installed on all WinXX workstations and servers. It's centrally managed, so you set up rule sets once and they get pushed out to all the machines. We have different rule sets for servers, workstations, roaming laptops, etc. You can also do the initial install on a machine remotely. The alert capabilities are very good - I get a text page, an email, and a popup message when a virus hits any machine in the company.

As far as conflicts with other software, I've not run into any. We're running it on XP Pro, Windows 2003 server, Windows 2000 server and workstation, and Windows NT 4 server and workstation.


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