Hype seems to rule the 'internet marketing' world at the moment and if
you're anything like us, I bet you're sick to death of it... you
know... the latest 'this'... the latest 'that', the latest million
dollar launch apparently showing you how to make millions as well...
The truth is, it's all just so unrealistic...
Of course, the gurus would never admit it but if it wasn't for the
whole 'internet marketing game' most of these guys would be strapped
for cash.
Put them in the real world...  marketing real products to real people
and they'd be clueless... and most likely broke within a matter of
Now, don't get us wrong... they make their cash and fair play to them
for doing so...
However, the real problem occurs when 'the masses' attempt to follow
their lead by targeting the very same market...
The end result? They fail. Every time... and for one simple reason:
The 'Internet Marketing' niche is NOT where the money is!
Yeah, of course there is some money in it, but because you're
competing with guys who own 100,000+ email lists, frankly you're
gonna' have as much success as a one legged man in an ass kicking
Think about it for a moment...
There are literally BILLIONS of people online each day and less than
1% of them are interested in knowing how to "make money on the
...Yet you see 99% of affiliates desperately trying to market to this
tiny 1% when there's a whole other world of extreme wealth and profits
staring them right in the face.
It's crazy... and if you ever wondered why 1% of affiliates make 99%
of all the money, then that's precisely why!
It's an unfortunate reality and when we realized this, and
consequently began doing the exact opposite of what these 'these
people' were preaching, suddenly the checks started flooding through
the mail box faster than we could bank them.
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