We are pleased to invite you to the upcoming *AI4Media Workshop on* 
*"Content-centered AI"* that will take place *on Wednesday, September 1st, 
2021* from 09:00 to 18:00 CEST.

The goal of this workshop is to present the recent research advances achieved 
in the AI4Media <https://www.ai4media.eu/> project on content-centered AI. It 
collects contributions of AI4Media partners in *fundamental machine learning 
research* as well as in *innovative AI-based methods and tools for content 
production and usage*.  It will address limitations of Deep Learning related to 
training with data scarcity, extending the potential applicability of AI to a 
wider set of media.  It will present innovative solutions for (semi-) automated 
multimedia content production, analysis of content provenance, visual data and 
audio retrieval, annotation and summarization.

The workshop will also host two invited talks by world-renowned scientists:

  * *Prof. Mohan Kankanhalli*, National University of Singapore, will
    give a keynote talk on "/Privacy-aware analytics for human
    attributes from images/, where he will address the key topic of
    analyzing human emotions, gender and age in images and videos under
    privacy-preserving conditions.
  * *Prof. Alan Smeaton*, Dublin City University, will give a keynote on
    "/Multimedia analysis and multimedia retrieval: Is there a
    mis-match?/", where he will explore the relationship between visual
    information and human memory and raise questions on the real
    effectiveness of the current search and analysis tools that we use.

*Learn more and join the workshop **HERE 

Please feel free to share this invitation among your networks.

Kind regards,

Filareti Tsalakanidou

  Dr. Filareti Tsalakanidou
  Electrical and Computer Engineer, Ph.D.
Research Associate
Information Technologies Institute
Centre for Research and Technology Hellas 6th Km Charilaou-Thermi Road 57001, 
Thermi, Thessaloniki, Greece P.O. Box 60361
Tel.: +30.2311.257706
Fax: +30.2310.474128

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