Call for Papers
SafePlan: ICAPS 2016 Workshop on "Planning, Scheduling and Dependability in Safe Human-Robot Interactions" to be held at the 2016 International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS), London, UK

Important Dates:
Submission deadline: March 4, 2016
Notification of acceptance: April 1, 2016
Final paper submission: April 30, 2016
Workshop Date: June 11th or 12th 2016
We are pleased to invite you to contribute to this workshop which aims to bring together experts active in the field of planning and scheduling (P&S) with those in human-robot interaction with particular emphasis on safety. The sector experiences a paradigm shift from the traditional heavy-duty robot operating separated from the human worker in a fenced area to robots that work close to the human, adapting to the movements of the human and possibly even interacting with them. In this regard, tools and methodologies for verification and validation (V&V) of P&S systems have received relatively little attention. Therefore, important goals of the workshop are also to focus on interactions between P&S and V&V communities as well as to identify innovative V&V tools and methodologies when applied to P&S in human-robot collaboration scenarios.

The workshop is promoted together with the H2020 EU project FourByThree ( which aims to create modular, efficient, intuitive and safe robots that can work in close collaboration with humans. In this regard, the workshop aims at exploring the potential applications of P&S and/or V&V to robots as above operating in a modern factory environment where human-robot interaction is used as a means to pave the path for accelerated manufacturing whilst reducing costs.

The workshop is organized aiming to foster synergies with both the Robotics Track ( chaired by Nick Hawes and Andrea Orlandini. In this regard, the workshop will serve as a means for those more involved in P&S to familiarise themselves with the challenges in safety critical applications, such as, for instance, human-robot collaborative applications where their expertise are indeed needed and can be readily applied.

Topics of interest include, but not limited to:
- How safe are today's robots to allow human-robot interaction in shared workspaces? - What are the best technologies currently available to achieve safe robots? - Human perspective (including trust towards and acceptance of robotic systems); - How can planning and scheduling be applied to the safe human-robot interaction problem? - What role do validity, verification and dependability play in safe human-robot interactions?
-    P&S for long-term autonomy in human-robot collaborative scenarios;
-    Integrated planning and execution in robotic architectures;
- Human-aware planning and execution in human-robot interaction, including safety;
-    Failure detection and recovery in P&S systems;
-    Formal methods for robot planning and control;
- V&V of P&S models, using technologies such as static analysis, theorem proving, and model checking;
-    Consistency and completeness of P&S models;
-    Runtime verification of plan executions;
-    Generation of robust plan controllers;

Additionally, we are particularly looking for information on specific domains in which the co-presence of planning and scheduling capabilities should merge with the requirement of safety guarantee. The organizers of the workshop will provide initial cases from the manufacturing domain but are welcoming descriptions of other domains where similar needs are present to create a community of practice to address these similar problems under different scenarios.
Workshop Paper Submission

We solicit contributions in the form of long (max. 8 pages) or short (max. 2 pages) contributions in AAAI paper format, to be presented at the workshop. Please submit your papers through EasyChair using the following link:
We look forward to seeing you at this ICAPS 2016 Workshop,

The Organizing Committee

Ali Shafti, King’s College London
Prof. Kaspar Althoefer, Kingís College London
Dr. Helge A. Wurdemann, University College London
Dr. Amedeo Cesta, National Research Council of Italy (CNR-ISTC)
Dr. AndreA Orlandini, National Research Council of Italy (CNR-ISTC)
Dr. Iñaki Maurtua, Tekniker, Spain

Program Committee (More to come)

Kaspar    Althoefer (King's College London, UK)
Saddek    Bensalem (VERIMAG, France)
Stefano    Borgo (National Research Council CNR-ISTC, Italy)
Amedeo    Cesta (National Research Council CNR-ISTC, Italy)
Marcello Cirillo (Scania, Sweden)
Sami    Haddadin (Leibniz Universitat, Germany)
Joachim    Hertzberg (University of Osnabrueck, Germany)
Petar    Kormushev (Imperial College London, UK)
Fulvio    Mastrogiovanni (Università Degli Studi Di Genova, Italy)
Iñaki    Maurtua (TEKNIKER, Spain)
David    Musliner (Smart Information Flow Technologies, LLC, USA)
AndreA    Orlandini (National Research Council CNR-ISTC, Italy)
Jose    Saenz (Fraunhofer IFF, Germany)
Ali    Shafti (King's College London, UK)
Jeremy    Wyatt (University of Birmingham, UK)

AndreA Orlandini PhD

 National Research Council of Italy
 Institute for Cognitive Science and Technology
 Phone:  +39-06-44595-223      E-mail:
 Fax:    +39-06-44595-243      Url:

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