[Apologies for multiple copies of this announcement]

             *Subcmission Deadline Extended: 15th of March, 2017*

                             ** CALL FOR PAPERS **

                     ICRA Workshop on AI Planning & Robotics:
                             Challenges and Methods

                              Singapore, May 29, 2017

Topic and Objectives
In complex robotic systems, planning and plan execution techniques are pervasively deployed at different levels of abstraction, combining task, path, and motion planning capabilities. AI Planning & Scheduling (P&S) methods are often crucial to enable intelligent robots to perform autonomous, flexible, and interactive behaviors. However, these methods and frameworks cannot be considered as stand-alone functionalities, but need to be deeply integrated into robotic architectures in order to be effective. This requires collaboration between researchers from both the AI and the Robotics communities.

The aim of this workshop is to bring researchers from the AI P&S and Robotics communities together to exchange ideas, discuss techniques and problems as well as identify common open challenges related to robotic planning methods. The goal of the workshop is twofold. First, it will foster the discussion in the Robotics community about challenges related to AI planning for autonomous robots (deliberative, reactive, continuous planning and execution, etc.) as well as their expectations from the P&S community. Second, it will attract representatives from the AI P&S community to further develop their interests and efforts towards robotic problems and applications.

Relevant topics include (but are not limited to):
- Combined task, path, and motion planning;
- Integration of planning and plan execution methods in robotic architectures;
- Representation and learning of planning models for robotics;
- Optimization and scheduling techniques for robot planning and scheduling;
- Planning for long-term autonomy in robotics;
- Planning with uncertainty for reliable robots;
- Multi-robot planning, delegation, coordination, and execution;
- Human-aware planning and execution in (safe) human-robot interaction/collaboration;
- Mixed-initiative planning and adjustable autonomy;
- V&V of plan-based robot autonomy;
- Real-world planning applications for autonomous/interactive robots.

We invite extended abstracts/short papers and regular papers in the standard IEE ICRA conference format. Abstract/short papers are a maximum of 4 (four) pages, regular papers are a maximum of 6 (six) pages. Authors of accepted papers are expected to give a talk and/or to present a poster at the workshop. All papers should be typeset in the ICRA IEEE style. Accepted papers will be published on the workshop website. Papers should be submitted via the EasyChair website: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icraplanrob2017

The organizers will investigate the availability of journal editors in order to invite a selection of accepted papers from the workshop to a special issue or post-proceedings volume.

Any additional questions can be directed towards the general workshop contact email: icraplanrob2...@easychair.org

Important Dates
Deadline for paper submission *Extended: 15th of March, 2017*
Notification of acceptance for papers, 15th of March, 2017
Deadline for camera-ready paper submission, 1st of April, 2017
Workshop Date, May 29, 2017

Confirmed Invited Speakers
Rachid Alami LAAS-CNRS, France
Michael Beetz Bremen University, Germany
Patrick Doherty Linköping University, Sweden
David Hsu National University of Singapore, Singapore
Daniele Magazzeni King's College London, United Kingdom

Workshop Organizers
J. Christopher Beck
Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
University of Toronto

Alberto Finzi
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e delle Tecnologie dell'Informazione
University of Naples “Federico II”

Nick Hawes
School of Computer Science
University of Birmingham

Goldie Nejat
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
University of Toronto

AndreA Orlandini
Institute of Cognitive Science and Technology,
National Research Council of Italy (CNR-ISTC),
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