*Call for papers *
*Invitation to publish in the 14th volume of Technium Social Sciences 
Journal / December, 2020*
Submission deadline: 10th of December, 2020
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Publication fee: 100 Euro

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*Technium Social Sciences Journal vol. 13**/2020 - November, 2020*
*Table of contents*

   1. Self competence and psychological hardiness: self-efficacy as 
   Rus, Mihaela Luminita Sandu, Senouci Boumediene, Tănase Tasențe, Djellouli 
   2. Evaluating Progress towards Universal Health Coverage in Ukraine 
   3. Local Government Policies in Learning Culture and Regional Language 
   of Kaili in Palu City 
   Susanti, Irwan Waris)
   4. Communicative Culture of Public Administration of Modern Ukraine: 
   Theory, Methodology, Research Outcomes 
   5. Participative disaster management: Post-disaster renewal of Palu City 
   Sofyan, Erdiyansyah, Moh. Royfandi)
   6. Development of Play Model: Efforts to Improve Basic Movement Skills 
   for Elementary School Students 
   Ahmad Karisman, Mochamad Asmawi, Samsudin, Firmansyah Dlis, Jufrianis)
   7. Multimedia and interactivity in educational materials 
   Mališů, Petr Šaloun)
   8. Evaluation of implementation of Adiwiyata SMPN Program Tanjungpinang 
   City Riau Islands Province 
   Bedjo Sujanto, Suryadi)
   9. The effect of learning model inquiry in critical thinking skills 
   course development sociology university students for social education at 
   Islamic University Zainul Hasan Genggong 
   Abd., Nining Winarsih, Quthny Aya., Rachman, Poppy)
   10. The Changes in Business Culture after the COVID-19 Pandemic in 
   Indonesian Perspective 
   <https://techniumscience.com/index.php/socialsciences/article/view/1837> (H 
   Hamdan, I Wayan Ruspendi Junaedi, I Gusti Bagus Rai Utama)
   11. Public Relations in tourism: the role of Public Relations in terms 
   of promotion of cultural assets in Tigray Region 
   Shiwabaw Mulu)
   12. Communication Strategy of Sharia Pawnshop of Palu Plaza in 
   Introducing Program of Easy Ways to Baitullah 
   Murni Kaddi, M. Kafrawi Al-Kafiah, Donal Adrian, Erdiyansyah)
   13. Redefining the Concept of Advertising in Romanian: Between Need and 
   14. Staying Blind to Child Abusers: Comparing Child Protection Laws in 
   South Korea and the US 
   Eunice Yang)
   15. The importance of socializing Indonesian financial accounting 
   standards for SMEs (small and medium, enterprise) in increasing accounting 
   understanding and its implementation 
   Siti Chanifah, Yuli Anwar)
   16. Regional financial performance profile of East Kalimantan Province, 
   Roy, Agus Iwan Kesuma, Yesi Aprianti)
   17. The effect of Organizational Structure and Capital on the Saving 
   Performance and Loan Units KPN Mertha Husada Gianyar, Bali, Indonesia 
   <https://techniumscience.com/index.php/socialsciences/article/view/1839> (I 
   Nyoman Tingkes, I Ketut Sirna, I Gusti Bagus Rai Utama)
   18. Indigenous Peoples' Economic Empowerment Model as a Strategy in 
   Accelerating National Economic DevelopmentCase Study of Betawi Adat, 
   Sundanese and Aceh Adat 
   <https://techniumscience.com/index.php/socialsciences/article/view/1838> (I 
   Wayan Ruspendi Junaedi, I Wayan Damayana, Dermawan Waruwu)
   19. Prospective Analysis of Sustainable Tourism Development in 
   Penglipuran Village as A Tourist Village Role Model in Bali 
   Bagus Made Sutrisna, Ida Ayu Nyoman Saskara, Made Suyana Utama, Ni Putu 
   Wiwin Setyari)
   20. The Effect of Work Family Conflict on Employee Performance with 
   Mediation of Work Stress (Case Study on Ari Firm-Wooden Crafts Exporter) 
   <https://techniumscience.com/index.php/socialsciences/article/view/1508> (I 
   Wayan Gde Arsania, I Wayan Gede Supartha)
   21. Green Consumer Behavior in the Perspective of Green Marketing and 
   Theory of Planned Behavior 
   A. Ch Manongko, Henry J. D Tamboto, Sjeddie R. Watung)
   22. Psychosocial Coping and Resilience of Pot Maker’s Children: Focus on 
   Educational Challenges in Harotesa and Bobucho Primary Schools in Hadiya 
   23. Study to Explore Psychological Aspects of COVID-19 Among Patients in 
   Farhan Farhan, Laraib Imran, Ali Hassan, Anum Munir, Afaque Ahmed, Sania 
   24. Using training and parental motivational climates to predict 
   performance anxiety at youth football players 
   25. Optimizing Human Resources Empowerment In The Era Of Covid 19: From 
   Transactional To Transformational Leadership 
   Sukoco, Yuli Evitha, Bambang Hermanto, Tetty Herawati)
   26. Promotion Analysis and Information Systems on Service Quality and 
   Implications on Work Productivity 
   Nugraha, Rini Mulyani Sari, Arif Yunan)
   27. A Study on the effectiveness & Challenges of online classes for 
   teachers and students 
   Sankar Mandapaka, Rama Mohan Prakash Nedunuri)
   28. Parking Systems Development’s Model in Malang City 
   Susanto, Z. Fanani, Mohammad Nuh, Setyo Widagdo)
   29. Reasons for outsourcing innovations and its effect on firm 
   performance: Evidence from highly innovative firms from twenty countries 
   30. The Role of Motivation and Leadership Style in Improving the Quality 
   of Employee Performance in Covid-19 Pandemic Period: A Case study of 
   Private Universities in Jakarta 
   Izzah, Samsudin, Supriyono)
   31. Leadership Styles of Deans/heads and Employees’ Workplace well-being 
   of Divine Word Colleges in Ilocos Region, Philippines 
   Abun, Egdonna A. Quinto, Theogenia Magallanes, Mary Joy Encarnacion, 
   Nathanael Flores)
   32. Transformational leadership style of Supervisors/Heads as Perceived 
   by the Employees and the attitude of employees toward the School 
   Abun, Gladys Jean Q. Basilio, Theogenia Magallanes, Maricel B. Quadra, Mary 
   Joy Encarnacion)
   33. Proposed Method for Supplier Selection 
   Ristono, Tri Wahyuningsih, Eko Junianto)
   34. The multiplicity and the frequent changes of the tax legislation in 
   the Greek Tax Administration 
   Dimitrios, Dermatis Zacharias, Anastasiou Athanasios, Liargovas Panagiotis)
   35. Consumer Behavior in Banking Products Buying Decision: A 
   Phenomenological Approach of Millennial in Jakarta 
   Sukoco, Anita Maulina, H. Bambang Hermanto, Nenden Kostini)
   36. Competitive Advantage of Green Hospitality Business Practices in 5 
   Star Hotels in Bali 
   <https://techniumscience.com/index.php/socialsciences/article/view/1977> (I 
   Ketut Budarma, I Ketut Astawa, Cokorda Istri Sri Widhari, Ni Made Rai 
   37. The Impact Use of Information Technology, Decision Making, 
   Orientation of Technology, Investment, Perceptions on Organizational 
   Performance. Study on The Tourism Industry in Jogjakarta Indonesia 
   <https://techniumscience.com/index.php/socialsciences/article/view/1941> (R. 
   Heru Kristanto HC)
   38. Building the spirit of defending the state in the middle of national 
   Wibowo Agung Prodjonoto, Tahan S.L. Toruan)
   39. Indonesia-China relationship: The political identity and social 
   conflict in Padang, West Sumatera - Indonesia 
   40. The Organizational Creativity and its Relationship to Crisis 
   Management in the Light of Coronavirus Pandemic 
   41. Single candidates in direct election in Tangerang City, Tangerang 
   Regency, Lebak Regency, Makassar City 
   42. Institutionalization / deinstitutionalization of people with 
   disabilities a contemporary social problem 
   43. Empowering youth lasting change; SEED-SCALE a process to youth 
   engagement and sustainable development 
   Mallick, Mazibar Rahman)
   44. The social perception of monastic life between falsity and reality 
   in contemporary world 
   45. Brazilian youths' attitudes towards contemporary social values 
   46. The Historical Sources of Nationalism in the Contemporary China 
   47. The Testamentary and Philanthropic Value of the Settlement 
   Bequeathed to All Saints’ Monastery by Its Founder, Saint Anthim the 
   Iberian, Metropolitan Bishop of Wallachia 
   Marian Vlad)
   48. Divine Philanthropy and Human Misanthropy. The Abusive Defrocking 
   and the Rehabilitation Process of Metropolitan Anthim of Iberia 
   Marian Vlad)
   49. The New "Covid-19" Home Office Worker: Evolving Computer-Human 
   Interactions and the Perceived Value of Workplace Technology 
   50. The correlation between safety mindset, safety performance and 
   safety culture in organisations 
   E. Botha, E.I Edoun, Vinessa Naidoo)
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Technium Science
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