
I think I possible founding what the real problem, very crazy if this is real true: If unity-gtk3-module and unity-gtk2-module installed a system (this is the case with basic installation), and the actual session is not Unity, the F10 key press blocking the proper module for example with following apps:
gnome-terminal, Pidgin, Totem.
I don't no what other applications are affected, I found this applications already this issue.

I removed this two packages with sudo apt-get purge unity-gtk3-module unity-gtk2-module command my Ubuntu 14.04 testing environment. After the packages removed and I logout and log in again, the F10 key press again presenting main menu with gnome-terminal, Totem, Pidgin applications.
A productive system environment I not suggesting this change.

I added this testresult with following bugreport:


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