
I am worried if 21.10 shows what we can expect in 22.04.

I was happy to install 21.10 with the installer be accessible with Orca.

I think snap is not accessible because in 20.04 Chromium-browser is accessible with Orca by snap.

In 21.10 Favorites or Docks is partially accessible with the flat review of Orca. I could not left or right click with flat review, but Enter on an item with focus starts it.

Control+Alt+Tab takes me to 'All applications' not Super+a anymore. Items in the Dock or Favorites do not appear in 'All applications. So it is not possible to adjust Favorites by right clik and remove from Favorites.

I use Firefox after installing the .deb package with sudo apt install firefox


Op 15-10-2021 om 23:21 schreef Jude DaShiell:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2021 16:35:23
From: Halim Sahin <halim.sa...@t-online.de>
To: orca-l...@gnome.org
Subject: Re: [orca-list] Update to Ubuntu 21.10: Accessibility

Hi Vladyslav,
On Fri, Oct 15, 2021 at 08:13:02PM +0200, Vladyslav Kutsenko via orca-list 

my first impressions after update to Ubuntu 21.10:

1. Super+A and Super+S bring up a dialogue which is not accessible: the key
navigation commands produce no speech.

2. Firefox which is a snap package now, is not accessible out of the box.

Kind regards
Hmm, I can confirm that at least on the live media firefox and chromium
are inaccessible.
My gues it's a snap problem here.


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