Just an FYI on a potential issue for Karmic.  I haven't had a chance to
test the latest Karmic stuff, but I thought I'd post this here in case
anyone has seen anything.


--- Begin Message --- Just a matter of hours before the release of Ubuntu Karmic, I am experiencing a problem with Orca and its modifier key. At times the modifier key doesn't work at all, but most of the time, and even worse, the key is stuck, and I'm not even pressing it. In other words, simply pressing the space bar opens the preferences window and pressing just h puts Orca in learn mode. I started having this problem yesterday, and nothing has been updated since then. Is there still time to fix this or is there something I need to do to work around this problem? At the present time, my modifier key isn't working at all, and neither does the keypad seem to work as expected. If I restart the computer, the modified functions will be working normally, except that Orca will behave as if the modifier is held down even if it isn't. And holding down the modifier key gives unpredictable results, while releasing the key returns it to the pressed state again. Note that this occurs whether in desktop mode using the insert key or in laptop mode using the caps lock. Also, I can confirm that this isn't a keyboard issue, since I have tried two different keyboards with the exact same result.

Thanks for any help,
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--- End Message ---
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