Kudos and much gratitude to all who work on this! Here's the way Karmic is supposed to run.



-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Re: Pulse Audio and Speech Dispatcher in Karmic?
Date:   Wed, 27 Jan 2010 05:46:14 -0500
From:   Bill Cox <waywardg...@gmail.com>
To:     Dave Hunt <dave.hu...@verizon.net>

Hi, David.  I rewrote the pulseaudio driver for speech-dispatcher,
based on work by some other folks with a libao driver.  It does get
rid of the long delay.  The easiest way to get the patch is probably
to add the Vinux/Ubuntu Karmic repository to your sources.list file,
and then to apt-get upgrade.  Note that if you use ibmtts, you'll need
to install those files as well from the repository.  To use the
repository, as root, edit /etc/apt/sources.list, and add these lines
at the bottom:

# Vinux
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/vinux/vinux-karmic/ubuntu karmic main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/vinux/vinux-karmic/ubuntu karmic main

Next, you want to tell your system not to complain about unsigned
packages when installing.  To do this, import the key from Ubuntu

$ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys EF2AFDCF

Then, do the usual apt-get commands:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade

That should update speech-dispatcher and espeak.  If you use speakup
and speechd-up, then the speechd-up package will be updated as well,
so that it can run as a service on boot.

Base on e-mails I read from Luke, it seems likely that Lucid will ship
with a new pulseaudio driver based on this work, and should have much
better performance.  I hope to release a Vinux/Ubuntu Lucid ISO
shortly afterwards, probably in May, which has these improvements and

Best regards,

On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 9:03 PM, Dave Hunt<dave.hu...@verizon.net>  wrote:
 Am I correct in understanding that you have written software that allows
 Speech Dispatcher and one's favorite synth engine to work with Pulse Audio,
 without the well-known delay?   If so, I'd like instructions, or a link to
 same, for applying your changes.

 I am running Karmic with Pulse Audio, but using Gnome Speech Services,
 instead of Speech Dispatcher.  There is no significant delay, but, since
 Gnome Speech Services will soon be depricated, I'd like to have a Speech
 Dispatcher configuration that does not render Orca nearly useless, when
 Pulse Audio is in the system.  It is my understanding that all the major
 Linux distros are moving to Pulse Audio, so, we should make this work!

 Best Regards,

 Dave  Hunt

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