OK, I swear that my system noticed me sending my previous message and 
decided to get in line. :)

For the first time I can recall, notifications spontaneously fixed 
themselves during the course of a session. They just started speaking. 
Checking ps shows that notify-osd appears to have been launched a few 
minutes ago, and the log was cleared and rewritten, no longer containing 
days of missed notifications.

So I'm wondering if it's a timing issue? Maybe notify-osd is starting 
before accessibility support is initialized, and as such isn't sending 
events? Then, if it crashes or is respawned for whatever reason, 
accessibility support is initialized and things start working?

Just a hunch, as I seem to recall other similar timing issues in the past.

Though this wouldn't explain instances wehen notify-osd stops speaking 
notifications during a session, but maybe I've misremenbered those, and 
maybe it's always been something that either works or doesn't at 
startup. If it fails again, I'll kill and relaunch it manually to see if 
that definitely does it, but for now I'm hesitant to break what works. :)

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