Vinux 1.31 - Release Notes.

This release contains a fix for the cups server problem which
was still present in the 1.3 release.

Direct Link -

md5sum - 5dfff403a9e8a6d9ae5a550198483207  Vinux-1.31.iso

We believe it was caused by the presence of two ssl keys Ubuntu added
to beef up the security when using a cups server on an unprotected
network, and after discussions with frag the developer of 
remastersys, we came up with a solution which will be included
in the next version of remastersys. If you have already downloaded 
version 1.3 and installed it there is no reason to download this 
release as you can fix the cups server issue with three simple 
terminal commands after installation:

sudo rm /etc/cups/ssl/server.crt
sudo rm /etc/cups/ssl/server.key
sudo /etc/init.d/cups start

This issue does not effect the 1.3 Live CD itself or a USB pendrive 
install. Sorry for any inconvenience caused!

drbongo and ald0

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