
So after lots of text, lets try something else ;)

Please contribute mood boards and paintings about what Ubuntu is about,
what it means and how you feel about it. Refer to the word, the
distribution, the project, the community as you see fit :)

As for artistic means, anything goes!

The goal here is to develop an understanding for both the answer to
these questions and ways to express them.

We would also like to see portraits of personas. Personas are detailed
exemplary members of a user or target group. Complete with name,
character traits and whatever you can think of. But here I actually have
artistic takes without much or any text in mind. How would these
personas like to see themselves, what visual style would surround them?

Don't worry about refinement and artistry, these shouldn't take that
much time and can be pretty rough. Scanned drawings or glued noodles,
tablet drawings or mouse doodles are all OK. Choose whatever size suits
you, just keep in mind that the result should land on the wiki and be
easy to view there.

Put them directly on the wiki (preferably), or send them my way. Please
declare your work to be freely distributable and allow derivatives. Best
done by using a CC license like
Or even releasing to the Public Domain.
I know this makes collages problematic which is sad, but we don't want
to run into trouble here, as this should be a base for further work.

Moods go on

Portraits go on

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

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