2008/8/14 Who <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 7:54 AM, Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> 2008/8/14 Who <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>  - Is the intent to have the final artwork in the same simple lines
>> and color spectrum as the mockups? I can not fully extract your
>> intentions here...
> I don't _really_ have intentions at this stage. :P
> As I noted on the wiki page - there's an obvious tension between the
> simple lines and colour spectrum and the face that I used a
> edgy-vintage logo of mine... They don't go well together but I
> couldn't really find a way to love a simple logo either...

Uh, now that you point it out, it almost hurts my eyes :-) I believe
that it should be feasible to find some middle ground, but don't have
any ideas atm.

> In my sketches the plant forms tended to have to be a bit more complex
> - not much more, but specifically they look wrong if they are 'top
> heavy' - so they need to have a thicker 'trunk'
> I did some really quick tests with green fronds after emailing - which
> I think has some promise - I'll put that up soon
> I _do_ like the simple colours, though - one of the inspirations
> behind this theme are wrought iron gates like
> http://www.royal.gov.uk/files/images/Insight_Feb2004_Focus_DOGGates_large.jpg

That picture was important to me, as I did not fully understand what
you meant by 'wrought iron gates' :-) I think it is a great

>>  - Watch out for a tentacle-like feel...
> Indeed. I think leaves and more 'fracticality' should help - other 
> suggestions?

I think you are illustrating that you are much better than me at this
:-) 'Fractality' is a brilliant metaphor to put on this...

>>  - I like the black with the orange bar best. It is somehow more in
>> line with the standard ubuntu artwork.
> I'm not aiming at default here - does that change your mind? Or do you
> just mean something like "better matches Ubuntu's identity'?

Uh, no. If I've learned anything in the past N years on this list it
is that one should never design for 'default ubuntu' :-)

What I mean is that if we want themes bundled in the distro then they
should have an ubuntu-touch to it. Not just another blingy theme with
the Ubuntu logo as the only thing identifying it as Ubuntu. I am not
implying that we can't use different color spectrums or anything like
that, merely that they should have that elusive ingredient that makes
it feel like it belongs with Ubuntu.

>>  - Second best would be the white with the thin orange bar. Simpler in
>> composition than my prefered one, but bordering on just way to simple,
>> but maybe with a bit of subtle details it could shine. The danger in
>> this one is going to Mac-style.
> Danger!? :P

I am sorry for even bringing this up. I hate the old
Vista/Mac-lookalike discussions. The irony in it all is that my
comment was meant as a way to avoid exactly those. Ie just try and not
to come to close to any of the competitors...

So - no danger :-)


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