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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Pascal Klein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: May 25, 2006 11:51 AM
Subject: Re: [ubuntu-art] Meeting proposal

On Thu, 2006-05-25 at 10:11 -0500, Matthew Nuzum wrote:
On 5/25/06, Pascal Klein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello art team,

> So, in order to get this happening, how does a meeting sound? I propose
> the day of Sunday the 28th, May or Saturday the 3rd, June.
> Times are open at this point because I am not very familiar with the
> timezone issues and where the bulk of the team are situated in the
> world. Do we have some common suggestions in regard to this?

Pascal, I think we have about all of the time zones covered. I'm GMT
-6 and you're something like +10, right? I'll bet we have at least one
-8 here on the list too. If we're going to have a real-time meeting,
it's probably best to shoot for as late in the day as you can handle.
For example, GMT 13:00.

I definitely agree. I left out a form of an agenda as I wrote the mail
up rather quickly and wanted just to get a discussion started on a
meeting. :)

As for time zones, yea, I'm at GMT +10, but I would be happy to do
anything really from 9AM all the way around the clock to 4 AM.

However, before we go down that route, I'd say we should have a
meeting agenda. I don't think I want to participate in a meeting whose
premise is, "Let's see who the leadership types are." I think this is
more important than setting the time.

Also, before we start tossing around dates, are we sure that
Saturday/Sunday is the day of the week all prefer? With proper advance
notice, I could even meet during the week.

I've started a wiki page for an agenda. It's here:

Before we set a date, lets decide on what we need to discuss. Here's
what I suggest:

What we hope to accomplish:
 a - new splash
 b - themes

ie. GTK themes.

 c - window manage decorations

ie. Metacity themes.

 d - icons
 e - accessible graphics (high contrast, large fonts)
 f - integration of new technologies and how this affects aesthetics
(xgl, compiz, ???)
 g - sample content

Self imposed time-lines
What time-lines will we impose on oursevles?

How we will make decidsions
Critical: how are we going to decide what goes in? Is there going to
be a vote, will the vote be held in e-mail, irc, or some other method?

Using the launchpad team voting system would be great. For disputes art
team leaders would moderate the issue and if no agreement can be reached
the Edgy Artist-in-Cheif. We could even swap the roles around for every
release to allow others a turn and share the experience. :)

What are the qualifications of an Art team leader?

Mark has proposed the following:

On Wed, 2006-05-24 at 09:44 +0100, Mark Shuttleworth wrote:
I would like to propose that we START the edgy cycle with two things:

 (1) A core of Art Team Leaders. Thing of it as an Art Council. It's
too big a job for one volunteer. We need a small group (3-ish) of well
trusted people who know how to package, know how to use revision
control, know about icon formats and can talk to the people behind the
technology (Scott et al) to resolve any technical issues. Because the
art has to *function* too.

 (2) One of those folks as Edgy Artist-in-Chief. In other words, one
of them as the final arbiter of the style and look of the
community-contributed theme(s) in Edgy. *Perhaps* even of the default
theme in Edgy. This position of Artist-in-Chief would be for a single
release, going to someone else for hte subsequent release. And the
next time we do a Dapper-style long-term-support release we should
have a big pool of leadership talent to choose from.


I'd like to decide this (agenda) before we meet.

I think that about sums things, up, however I would recommend for the
three or so core art team leaders that they need not how to package
before signing up to this. :)

I think that agenda is quite complete for a first meet up after the
release of Dapper.

Finally, after having a peak at the wiki page set up for this, I'll edit
it accordingly filling in some of the above information about the
proposed leadership structure by Mark. Sever people have already agreed
that this is a good proposal so I think that we could go ahead with it.

Mark: it would be great if you could come. You mentioned earlier
contacting cvd on IRC in regard to this...?

Kind regards,
Pascal Klein

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Matthew Nuzum

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