I challenge anyone who has a problem with the current situation to
clearly define what non-bureaucratic action they would take for
ubuntu-au under a new structure, then answer why they aren't doing
that now. I honestly don't understand how the current setup has
stopped anyone from promoting Ubuntu in Australia.

The ubuntu-au community is not lacking structure - it's lacking
motivated people. Get out there - do stuff to promote Ubuntu in
Australia. If you do enough, you'll become known within the Ubuntu-au
community, and the leadership or power (or whatever you want to call
it) that you worry about will be shared with you.

Anyone that is holding back promoting Ubuntu because they aren't happy
with the leadership of Ubuntu-au, isn't worthy of any leadership
themselves. I think that a push for restructure would be looked upon a
lot more fondly if it came from someone who is a driving force in the
community. Has anyone making noise about this actually been in the
community for more than a year?


On 13 April 2010 22:02, Michael <keltoi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'll get shot down for this I know but I am getting to a stage where I
> am beyond caring.
> It is to difficult to do things within this group. I'm not in a
> situation where I can just do the things that are being suggested
> throughout the various threads. Instead I know where my talents are
> and would love to know where I can apply them. Asking simple questions
> never gets a simple answer, instead as has been pointed out, we are
> told to go forth and just do whatever. Sorry but for some of us that
> will not work.
> The porn thing was used as an example and nothing more. What I found
> aggravating was it was so hard to get an answer. Let's be serious here
> the word Google was in the previous sentence yet for some unknown
> reason people went charging off to something else.
> As for transparency, I don't care anymore, I don't have the time nor
> the energy to deal with what is in essence a group under tight
> control. All that has really been asked for is a chance for the
> community to have a vote on what is happening. I have nothing further
> to say on this matter unless I am brought back into it.
> Ciao for now.
> Michael (k3lt01)
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