Hi all,

On 14 September Technocrat will be participating in the Drupal Association's Drupal Global Training Days initiative[1]. Technocrat's experienced trainers will be providing free training for people interested in learning about Drupal for the first time.

There are only 12 places available, so we expect to fill up fast. Registrations are essential[2].

Get a solid introduction to Drupal and learn about the most essential features and concepts of Drupal through hands-on activities. By the end of the day you will be familiar with Drupal terminology and be able to identify how many Drupal sites are constructed.

This course is aimed at anyone who's just starting to use Drupal as a content editor or site builder.

If you know anyone who might be interested in this event, please feel free to forward this message to them.

For more information visit our website[3] or contact me directly.



[1] http://drupal.org/learn-drupal
[2] http://teachmedrupal.drupalgardens.com/training-registration
[3] http://teachmedrupal.drupalgardens.com/event/2012-09-14/free-drupal-day-training

PS Apologies for the cross post and if this is considered off topic, I thought it might be of interest to people on this list.

Dave Hall
Principal Engineer

ubuntu-au mailing list

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