Hi all!

    I have just summarized our on-line meeting that took place on April, 
12 2007 at 21.00. The agenda was on the wiki here, to which I added the 
report that follows.


    Don't hesitate to add or correct things if needed. I did my best 
from the transcript (thanks to Benoît Plunus for providing it to me).



== Report ==
People present and participating: François Cauwe, Benjamin Sion, 
"Gunirus", Peter Dedecker, Jan Claeys, Dieter Vanderfaeillie, Dirk Tas, 
Julien Detroz, Mark Van den Borre, Benoît Plunus, Thomas Meire, 
Alexandre Laurent, Roel Huybrechts, Pieter Verledens (I hope I haven't 
forgotten anyone)

Mark asks for ideas for making noise around the release of Ubuntu 7.04 
on April 19.

=== Brainstorming ===
  * Peter Dedecker: rent the Atomium, use the balls for different Ubuntu 
editions (Ubuntu, Edubuntu, Kubuntu, ...)
  * Mark Van den Borre: do something with an Atomium maquette on the 
Brussels market (objection by Jan Claeys: Atomium image is copyrighted)
  * Benjamin Sion: send news to press (radio, papernews, tv, ...)
  * Peter Dedecker: give Mannenken Pis an Ubuntu t-shirt
  * Pieter Verledens: ask Google to put a custom logo on the release day 
(some Google employees do use Ubuntu on their desktop)
  * Mark Van den Borre: a Microsoft - Ubuntu soccer match
  * François Cauwe: make the biggest Ubuntu circle with persons on a 
famous place (lying on the ground?)
  * Mark VDB: Ubuntu circle with famous people
  * Benjamin Sion: make an Ubuntu "crop circle", like at Waterloo last 
  * François Cauwe: go to the parliament and distribute flyers in the 
shape of hearts "to spread Ubuntu love"
  * Mark VDB: meet in Brussels for drinks, wear a feather (-> freedom) 
to distinguish ourselves from the crowd
  * François Cauwe: give free beers, go around giving free hugs
  * Benoît Plunus: promote Ubuntu with 2 or 3 demonstration PC's at a 
wine tasting organized by his parents
  * Julien Detroz: hand out CD's at train stations
  * François Cauwe: or just hand out flyers in all Belgian train stations
  * Peter Dedecker: big paper train in a station with demonstration 
computer inside and motto "jump on the train of freedom" on the outside
  * François Cauwe: motto "you can live without community, but the 
community cannot live without you"
  * Mark VDB: send open letter to political parties about their position 
towards ubuntu
  * Benoît Plunus: asking Damien Van Achter (radio Pure FM) for a 
special "PureBlog" entirely about Ubuntu
  * Alexandre Laurent: street warning sign A27 (wild animals crossing, 
representing a deer), maybe motto "watch out for the fawn"
  * Benoît Plunus: make a logo out of it and place it on many websites, 
as teasing, and replace it on the 19th with Ubuntu logo and link to 
special page on Ubuntu-be.org
  * Dirk Tas: start a 'poster' campaign in all trainstation and busstations
  * Mark VDB: do something with the animal itself, like go to a 
forest/park, honour the fawn, always makes for some good picture, go and 
have a picnic in a place where there are a lot of fawns?
  * Dirk Tas: deer park called 'beisbroeck' near Brugge
  * Alexandre Laurent: animal park in 'La Reid', but a bit far for everyone
  * Jan Claeys: Plankendael (between Leuven and Mechelen), sort of zoo, 
with deer and gibbons (among other animals)
  * Benjamin Sion: reminder about IndyMedia hosting an install party on 
April 22
  * Mark VDB: write a press release and spread it through Belga 
(donation, > 250€)
  * Jan Claeys: social event (no laptops), maybe in Brugge

=== Actual Stuff ===
  * Mark Van den Borre and Benjamin Sion will write a press release, Jan 
Claeys and Alexandre Laurent will proofread it. We can reuse text from 
ubuntu-marketing or Canonical, Benjamin Sion will check with them.

  * Visit to animal park in La Reid on Sunday April 22, 2007 at 14.30. 
Mark Van den Borre will drive a minivan from Erpe-Mere (Aalst), along 
Brussels, Liège, and to La Reid. Other people interested: Alexandre 
Laurent (+ partner Bénédicte), Benoît Plunus. Benoît will create a page 
on the wiki. Alexandre will make an announcement on the mailing list.

  * Benoît Plunus created a logo with the A27 street sign ("coming soon" 
with Ubuntu font) and uploaded it on his site: 

ubuntu-be mailing list / mailto:ubuntu-be@lists.ubuntu.com

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