> If you *must* check the platform, $(lsb_release -is) is a better check, but
> lsb_release is not included by default on Debian
> systems and this issue is going to turn up on Debian too soon enough.
But what would the output of "lsb_release -is" be?
I do appreciate your warning that Debian wi
>> First: How does one reliably detect this version of Ubuntu? (Assume I
>> have never used Ubuntu, and don't have access to it for testing.)
>look in '/etc/issue' should be good.
What, precisely, do I look for? I want to write a shell test to add in these
paths on this version (and futu
ganization enough to suggest how to
the necessary directory name (e.g. /lib/i386-linux-gnu) out of the build
tools? (For example, what should it be on an amd64 system? How about
PPC? SPARC? Are there trailing 32s or 64s on any of those names? etc.)
Thank you.
Andy Dougherty