I have ran into issues regarding this. To give some background a large
majority of my server NICs are connected to VLAN specific ports on my
switches. If MAAS chooses to use a NIC that is configured to use a
different VLAN than the MAAS controller there will be no traffic
obviously. You should be a
I'm also having this issue - running 32-bit Ubuntu 13.10.
[57.986502] init: plymouth-stop pre-start process (1713) terminated with
status 1
I also changed plymouth-start.conf and what-killed-plymouth.log only contained:
You received this bug notification because
I'm also having this issue on 13.10.
init: plymouth-stop pre-start process (1902) terminated with status 1
I also made the change to plymouth-start.conf and my what-killed-plymouth.log
was also only:
Thanks for any help!
You received this bug notification because you are a