[Bug 1963692] [NEW] gimp crashed while importing a pageful of a newspaper image

2022-03-04 Thread DoubleYY
Public bug reported: ``` GNU Image Manipulation Program version 2.10.18 git-describe: GIMP_2_10_16-38-gde7f04567d Build: unknown rev 0 for linux # C compiler # Using built-in specs. COLLECT_GCC=gcc COLLECT_LTO_WRAPPER=/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/lto-wrapper OFFL

[Bug 1265192] Re: Reinstallation wipes out all/other partitions

2014-06-08 Thread DoubleYY
I second Mauricio Gracia. I have, similarly, been toying with Linux since '98. And actually using Ubuntu since 2010. I have also been a vocal Linux/Ubuntu evangaliser until Unity and then Mint/Cinnamon evangaliser. I was trying to convert my team at work to change over to Linux, when this same 'd