Looks like the patch above was included in the release build, but it is
insufficient to make the package work - it still trivially crashes when
creating a docker client. E.g. `import docker; docker.from_env()`
crashes due to the urllib3 incompatibility.
Wouldn't it be better to just update to the
** Description changed:
It seems that the pkg-config file for openmpi fortran (`ompi-fort.pc`)
does not contain the correct include path for `mpi.mod`. It is installed
at `/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/fortran/gfortran-mod-15/openmpi/mpi.mod`
but this path is apparently not in the pc file.
Public bug reported:
It seems that the pkg-config file for openmpi fortran (`ompi-fort.pc`)
does not contain the correct include path for `mpi.mod`. It is installed
at `/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/fortran/gfortran-mod-15/openmpi/mpi.mod`
but this path is apparently not in the pc file.
Basically the