It is not connecting at Bluetooth level. Once I manage to get it connected,
all works like charm.
On Mon, May 11, 2020, 2:30 PM Sebastien Bacher
> Thank you for your bug report. Is it not connecting to the device at the
> bluetooth level or is connecting but not routing the sound to t
Public bug reported:
I am using a Dell Lattitude E7470 laptop. I am trying to connect a Bluetooth
headset (Anker).
I am seeing this issue with the latest upgrade to the Ubuntu 20.04 LTS version.
I have a Bluetooth headset which is paired with the machine. Given the
Bluetooth is enabled in the
please refer http://marc.info/?l=snort-users&m=124947462631199&w=2
In Hardy snort is not compiled with --enable-inline
I tried to build from source(got source by apt-get source) with --enable-inline
and got errors
because of issues with libipq.h declarations. I think there is library